Parish Registration » Step ONE: How to create a MyOwnChurch account

Step ONE: How to create a MyOwnChurch account

1. Navigate to using Chrome,

    Microsoft Edge or Safari

2. On the login page, click the New User Link.

3. Fill in the information. You will be prompted to follow certain requirements:

          o The username may be numbers and/or characters only and must be 5-

             20 digits long.

          o All fields with a red asterisk are required.

          o Make sure to use a valid email address as your login credentials will be

             emailed to you using that address.

          o The information you use on this form will also be used to populate

             information on your family record.

4. Submit the form, read and agree to the terms of use, and exit the site.

5. Look for the email where you will find your username and a temporary


          o Your church administrator will manage the account registration.

                      ▪ If you don't receive an email with your login credentials in

                        a prompt manner, contact your church

                        [email protected] or [email protected]

                      ▪ Do not contact ParishSoft support, they will refer you to your church

                        administrator as they don't have access the account.

6. Go back to the login page and use these new credentials to log into your

    account. Sometimes it works better to copy and paste the password, but other

    times you must carefully type it in.

7. On the next page, you must create a new password. The password must be at

    least 8 digits long and contain at least one special character. Acceptable

    special characters are usually those above the number keys at the top of your


8. There are some notices you must agree to in order to move forward.

    This video will lead you through the setup process, however, it’s from a previous

    release so many of the screens will look different.