Parish Weekly Email
Welcome to Flocknote, our new communication tool, allowing us to keep you up to date on all the happenings at St. Juliana Falconieri Parish and St. Juliana School.
Many exciting things are happening at our parish and we want you to be informed. You are receiving this message as an email however, to best utilize Flocknote we would appreciate it if you would update your profile to include your First and Last name, best email AND best cell number for text updates.
Current exciting happenings include, Parish School starting, C.L.I.F. Brewfest, Fall Festival and much more included in our weekly email blast.
As a member of our Parish Flocknote Family we purchased for you FREE access to the entire Bishop Barron streaming video library. Bishop Barron's library includes all his recorded video series, constantly updated. Soon we will launch Adult Faith Sharing groups studying from Bishop Barron's ENGAGE courses.
Help us stay in touch with you by updating your information NOW.
Current exciting happenings include, Parish School starting, C.L.I.F. Brewfest, Fall Festival and much more included in our weekly email blast.
As a member of our Parish Flocknote Family we purchased for you FREE access to the entire Bishop Barron streaming video library. Bishop Barron's library includes all his recorded video series, constantly updated. Soon we will launch Adult Faith Sharing groups studying from Bishop Barron's ENGAGE courses.
Help us stay in touch with you by updating your information NOW.
God Bless,
Fr. Michael Pontarelli, OSM Pastor
James Abowd, Pastoral Associate