August 1965

His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIntyre announced new parish, St. Juliana Falconieri Church and School in Fullerton.

Fr. O'Brien is named as the first pastor. Under his leadership the Women's Club, and the School Parent's Club were formed. CCD and Youth Ministry Programs were initiated, and the Parish Fiesta became an annual event.

A homemade baptismal font was set up in the sacristy and the first baptisms were performed.

September 1965

First day of school, half day only. Sister Ruth Andrew, CSJ, principal along with Mrs. Angel Flores and her son Andrew are in the Fullerton Tribune on September 18, 1965.


A new rectory is built.

July 1982

Fr. Robert Vidal is installed as pastor; he had come to us in 1981.


First annual Lenten Fish Fry begins!

May 1990

Deacons Jay Milam and Bill Schlater ordained as deacons to assist with growing community.

October 1993

Bishop McFarland installed Father Jude M. Herlihy, O.S.M., first Servite Pastor of St. Juliana Parish in a very impressive ceremony attended by parishioners and friends.

Fr. Jude M. Herlihy, O.S.M.


Deacon Gerald Stadel ordained.


Fr. Luke Stano, O.S.M. becomes pastor, he was ordained May 27, 1961.

Fr. Luke Stano, O.S.M.

September 2008

Bishop Tod Brown dedicates the Parish Center with a large hall (gym), kitchen and service area, meeting rooms, supply space, and parish offices.

Parish Center

July 2009

Fr. Frank Falco, O.S.M., arrives from Chicago to assume the pastor's role on July 1.

Fr. Frank Falco, O.S.M.

May 2012

Deacon Chuck Doidge joins us.

July 2014

Fr. Michael Pontarelli, O.S.M. becomes pastor. Fr. Michael is coming to us from Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano where he has served for eight years.

Fr. Michael Pontarelli, O.S.M.